Professional Pest Control Magazine

3 Termite Control FAQs and What We Use to Stop Termites

3 Termite Control FAQs and What We Use to Stop Termites

Termites might look like harmless little creatures, but they are much more powerful than you think. They create their own world inside our homes without us even noticing, and little by little they become larger in number and can cause significant damage. For that...

If You Smell This in Your Home, Termites Might Be Around!

If You Smell This in Your Home, Termites Might Be Around!

Staying alert for signs of pest infestation can save you a LOT of trouble in the future! Keep reading to find out how to detect termites by their smell, and how to stop them from causing any damage to your property on time. Some pest infestations do not leave visual...

Warm Weather and Termites: What’s the Connection?

Warm Weather and Termites: What’s the Connection?

Are Warm Temperatures and Humidity the Perfect Environment for Termite Infestation?  You are about to find out! If there’s one thing we know about termites is that they love hot weather! But when temperatures get higher than what they prefer, termites tend to...

Tips to Make Your Home Termite Proof in 2023

Tips to Make Your Home Termite Proof in 2023

This is the year to feel safe and comfortable at home, which is equivalent to not having any pest infestation or damaged structures and furniture due to little termite families invading your space. Let me tell you that it is possible to make your home a termite-proof...

Giant African Snails: Humans and Environment at Risk

Giant African Snails: Humans and Environment at Risk

African Snails: the Giant Ones You must be wondering what's the origin of giant African snails. The giant African snail is one of the world’s largest and most harmful land snails. This exotic plant pest is native to East Africa and was initially introduced to Hawaii...

4 Tips to Avoid Pests This Holiday Season – Especially Termites.

4 Tips to Avoid Pests This Holiday Season – Especially Termites.

During this lovely time of the year, don’t let the termites or any other pest ruin your festive mood by destroying your home. The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, but that also means plenty of gifts and a lot of food, which can attract pests such as...

Reasons to Keep an Eye out for Termites

Reasons to Keep an Eye out for Termites

You may see these tiny creatures as innocent, but you do not want to underestimate them, in fact, termites act faster than you think. They are responsible for great damage and harm that you are probably unaware of, and that goes beyond structural damage. These are the...

How to Prevent Termites From Spreading In Your Home

How to Prevent Termites From Spreading In Your Home

Once you have detected the signs of termite infestation at home, you should take steps to prevent their spread, and avoid wasting time, money, and effort dealing with structural damage that comes when termite colonies expand. Here’s a list of things that you can do to...

Places You Didn’t Know Termites Lived In

Places You Didn’t Know Termites Lived In

When we think of termites, we imagine them hiding underneath the structures of a house, but did you know they can also pick other unusual places as their habitat? The reason why they might pick a different spot outside your home is that they have found a good source...

The Ultimate Termite Control Guide

The Ultimate Termite Control Guide

The reason why you need a termite control guide is simple, you might be ignoring the possibility of termite existence in your Aruba home when 42% of termite inspections turn up positive for active termites, and 80% of inspections reveal past termite activity. It's...

4 Unbelievable Facts About Termites

4 Unbelievable Facts About Termites

You may wonder: “why do I need to know facts about termites?”. The answer is that as interesting as termites can be, termites are also a major threat you need to watch out for. So the more you know about their behavior the best prepared you’ll be to fight them. Here...

How to Protect Your Home’s Investment From Termites?

How to Protect Your Home’s Investment From Termites?

A single termite may not be a cause for alarm, but termite colonies, particularly old ones, are capable of destroying entire structures at a faster rate than you would think. The problem with these sneaky insects is that while they hide behind your walls, floors, and ceilings, chewing and damaging them silently, you probably won’t even notice them.

3 Types of Termites in Aruba and How to Get Rid of Them

3 Types of Termites in Aruba and How to Get Rid of Them

A single termite may not be a cause for alarm, but termite colonies, particularly old ones, are capable of destroying entire structures at a faster rate than you would think. The problem with these sneaky insects is that while they hide behind your walls, floors, and ceilings, chewing and damaging them silently, you probably won’t even notice them.

Stay One Step Ahead of Termites and Prevent Property Damage

Stay One Step Ahead of Termites and Prevent Property Damage

A single termite may not be a cause for alarm, but termite colonies, particularly old ones, are capable of destroying entire structures at a faster rate than you would think. The problem with these sneaky insects is that while they hide behind your walls, floors, and ceilings, chewing and damaging them silently, you probably won’t even notice them.