Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

In recent years, bed bugs celebrate their increasing comeback in the U.S. and also the Caribbean’s. Our warm and humid climate helps this little bug to prosper and reproduce. Professional Pest Control is the leading pest control provider for the hospitality industry...
Termite Treatments

Termite Treatments

Termites live in the ground, they are voracious eaters and they come up to eat anything that is made out of wood, such as furniture, door- and window frames, ceilings etc. A professional treatment against termites is the only way to stop them from destroying your...
Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Rodents are one of the most prevalent pests in our Caribbean climate. The reason for this can be seen in large birth sizes and short breeding cycles. Consuming a wide variety of foods further stipulates their growth. The presence of rodents and their droppings is not...
Pigeons or Pest Birds

Pigeons or Pest Birds

Pest birds cause considerable damage to residential and commercial property owners every year. Bird droppings and nesting materials that are allowed to accumulate pose a host of physical problems that can become very serious if they are not corrected immediately. Due...